Welcome & Greetings!
It is a privilege to be the Principal of AITM, Rainandgoan, an Institution that stands for excellence and quality.
For me, Education does not mean providing answers. It means equipping the pupil with the means to find the answers for himself and within himself. Education empowers students to discover themselves – who they are as people. The importance of education in the life of an individual cannot be overstated. It shapes individuals in their formative years and imbues them with values that would govern all their choices in life. It is said ‘If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people’. Indeed, one can even say that the quality of education will determine the destiny of the nation and we the people of AITM are engaged in painting the vibrant new India.
We eagerly await your arrival to be a part of AITM fraternity.
Dr. Ramkanta Sahoo
The future plan of the Institute is to emerge as a Research Center, which is of utmost significance for a newly developed state of Chhattisgarh which often is regarded as a “rich state of poor people”. The necessary infrastructure and man power is being arranged and identified the result of which can be seen in near future. The primary objective is to cater to the needs of the local rural population and to imbibe the curiosity for innovations & research in the young minds of our budding engineers.